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Ways of working
4 min read

How to cultivate "lazy thinking" within your organization ?

Discover the benefits and methods to integrate relaxation periods at work, and how to adapt to new trends.

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Operational excellence
5 min read

Reinventing Human Resources. How can HR be Agile?

To compete and be relevant in today’s fast-paced and fast-changing world, organizations must implement new ways of working

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4 min read

Comment lancer la transformation de mon entreprise au plus vite?

Dans notre monde en perpétuelle évolution, les sociétés de taille moyenne font face à une concurrence poussée dans des marchés de plus en plus concurrentiels, où des plus petites entreprises et des startups arrivent à satisfaire les besoins des clients plus rapidement

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Operational excellence
6 min read

Ressources Humaines dans une PME ? À quoi ça sert ?

En Suisse, les PME forment plus de 99.7% des entreprises et génèrent deux tiers des emplois

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Ways of working
10 min read

Changing Employee Mindsets during a transformation initiative

If you are a business leader about to embark on a business transformation, you must be wondering what is the best way to personalize change to that each individual in your team adheres to the new reality and that there are fewer roadblocks on the way to success.‍

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3 min read

How to multiply your financial results by improving your company culture

Transforming an organization into a digital player is neither easy nor quick.

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4 min read

Comment multiplier vos résultats financiers en améliorant votre culture d'entreprise

Transformer une organisation en acteur numérique n'est ni facile ni rapide

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5 min read

La culture organisationnelle : cette dose de Vitamine-D si nécessaire pour sortir de la crise

La stratégie et la culture sont parmi les principaux leviers dont disposent les dirigeants dans leur quête sans relâche pour maintenir la pérennité et l'efficacité de l'organisation.

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Operational excellence
3 min read

Getting ready to deconfine and increase your market share with the right competencies

As we begin to experience deconfinement after the cusp of the COVID-19 crisis passes by, I would like to review the concept of Transformational Leadership.

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Operational excellence
17 min read

Unleashing Potential: The Power of Transformational Leadership

Discover the secrets of transformational leadership, the most effective style of leadership for motivating and empowering your followers. Don't miss this article.

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Operational excellence
5 min read

How can I develop into a Transformational Leader ?

What is Transformational Leadership ?

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10 min read

De quelle façon la technologie peut-elle contribuer à un apprentissage personnalisé et engageant?

La science de l'apprentissage nous dit que la quantité d'informations que nous apprenons est influencée par notre motivation à apprendre

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2 min read

Comment mettre en place une approche d'apprentissage à distance dans notre établissement ?

Le COVID19 a eu un impact sur la vie des gens dans le monde entier

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5 min read

People and culture : the key ingredients of a successful digital transformation

It is no surprise when we read that a great working culture is a critical factor for businesses

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3 min read

Using data to catapult Education and the Learning Experience to extraordinary levels

Education around the world is changing at an incredibly fast pace

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4 min read

Digital Transformation in Education ? Really ? Why is it needed ?

The World Economic Forum predicted that by 2025 we will see

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