Modes de travail
10 min read

Changing Employee Mindsets during a transformation initiative

Publié le
May 24, 2020

If you are a business leader about to embark on a business transformation, you must be wondering what is the best way to personalize change to that each individual in your team adheres to the new reality and that there are fewer roadblocks on the way to success.

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for this. Organizational change requires a lot of communication and convincing. A one-size-fits-all approach that doe snot consider employee mindsets will prove inappropriate and undermine progress and final results

The six steps that you can take to guide your organization through change

  1. Identify the behaviours that need to change across your organization
  2. Map roadblocks that might prevent employees from adopting the new behaviours
  3. Before establishing a communication plan, you will need to establish the different personas (or group of employees with similar needs and wants) so that the communication is tailored to each group and addresses what they need to know at the right time and with the right format
  4. Ideally, you will run a pilot with a subset of the organization so that you can deploy your plans, learn with a smaller group, and adapt before launching to the rest of the organization
  5. As you deploy, whether during the pilot or with the rest of the teams, gather feedback from employees. This will enable the re-prioritization and personalization of interventions to reduce resistance. Using a dashboard to measure performance against specific metrics will also be useful to provide a view of where things are progressing or lagging
  6. Sharing successes and learnings across functions and departments will also create momentum and favour change adoption. In addition, this will help reinforce the new behaviours and embed the new reality into the organization's DNA

Are you heading an organization that needs to undergo a transformation and you are not sure how to engage employees in the change ? Have you had bad experiences in the past where projects did not deliver the results that were planned ?

Then you are in the right place ! 👍

We are experts in transformation and change management with more than two decades of leading change initiatives in Switzerland and internationally.

Our mission is to help Medium Enterprises in their transformation to an agile and collaborative culture to fuel continued growth.

Our proven methodology has successfully supported leading the human side of change in various settings with excellent results.

We can support your organization to advance your business transformation goals.Contact us to discuss your needs and identify how we can help you.

Contact Bee'z Consulting


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