6 min read

6 softwares examples that are used by a change manager!

Published on
February 15, 2024

Charged with guiding organizations through periods of transition, the change management consultant relies on a strategic toolkit to ensure the success of transformation projects.

Among these tools, software holds a prominent place, as it offers a variety of essential features to drive change from A to Z.

These solutions notably allow to :

  • Centralize information,
  • Optimize collaboration,
  • Analyze data,
  • Illuminate decision-making.

Let's explore 6 of these software tools, appreciated by change management consultants.

1. Project Management Software

Project management softwares serve as centralized platforms for planning, organizing, and tracking tasks, projects, and team activities. These platforms offer various features to streamline project workflows and enhance collaboration among team members. Project management software facilitates communication and collaboration among team members. 

It often includes features such as commenting, @mentions, file sharing, and real-time updates to keep everyone informed and engaged. and Lattice are good examples of this type of platform ! Users can create, assign, prioritize, and track tasks within the software. These platforms enable users to allocate resources (e.g., team members, equipment, budget) efficiently across different projects. 

Many project management platforms offer integrations with other popular tools and services, such as communication apps (e.g., Slack), file storage (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox), and productivity suites (e.g., Microsoft Office, G Suite). 

We could also mention Trello, where visual project management is based on boards. Teams can create task lists, prioritize them, collaborate on projects, and track progress.

Advantages of Trello : the tool facilitates communication and collaboration among team members, which is essential for implementing organizational changes. This software uses the Kanban methodology to help be more efficient. It provides real-time visibility on progress and makes task assignment easy.

2. Document Management Software (DMS)

These software allow to digitize, store, organize, and manage all documents and information related to change projects. They offer advanced search and indexing features to quickly retrieve documents.

Advantages : DMS softwares like, for example, DocuWare or MS Sharepoint, or also Google Drive, allow the change manager to centralize and secure all relevant information, facilitating decision-making and ensuring regulatory compliance. It also helps reduce dependence on paper documents, a must-have in the era of environmental conservation !

3. Communication and Collaboration Tools

Microsoft Teams is one of these tools offering instant messaging, audio and video calls, file sharing, and real-time collaboration features that allow the change manager to create virtual workspaces for teams within the organization undergoing change.

However, there are others, like Slack or Zoom. But those are different : Zoom is an alternative to Team, as is Google Meet. Slack is to improve communication within and across teams. 

These tools facilitate coordination among stakeholders, even if they work remotely. It also promotes transparency and productivity.

4. Data Analysis Software

Visualizing and tracking data enables change managers to understand and interpret trends, correlations, and the impact of changes on the organization.

Some tools, like Tableau, Excel or Google Sheets, help change managers make decisions by providing insights. Creating interactive dashboards and customized reports to track key performance indicators is easy to set up.

5. Business Process Management (BPM) Software

BPM software offer functionalities to model, automate, monitor, and optimize business processes within the organization. They allow mapping workflows, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing operations.

Advantages : These tools help change managers streamline processes, accelerate change implementation, and ensure regulatory compliance. They provide an overview of organizational processes.

6. Additional tools for feedback collection and stakeholder engagement

Additional tools for feedback collection and stakeholder engagement are also available. These tools are commonly used by change management consultants.

Among these tools, we can mention :

  • Zonka Feedback : which allows for collecting customer feedback at various touchpoints, providing real-time analysis to identify trends.
  • Mentimeter : This tool facilitates live interaction with the audience during presentations, meetings, or workshops, fostering stakeholder engagement.
  • And SurveyMonkey, which is a versatile platform for creating, distributing, and analyzing questionnaires.

How does the change manager select and integrate tools into the changing organization?

  1. The choice of tools by a change management consultant is often guided by a thorough assessment of the specific needs of the organization in transition. First, the consultant analyzes the challenges, objectives, and unique requirements of the project. This step helps determine the necessary features to effectively support organizational transformation.
  1. Next, the consultant explores the software market to identify solutions that best meet the identified needs. This may involve product demonstrations, free trials, and consultations with technology experts. Tool selection takes into account criteria such as user-friendliness, scalability, integration with existing systems, and return on investment.
  1. Once the tools are chosen, the consultant develops an integration plan tailored to the changing organization. This includes software configuration, staff training, definition of processes and workflows, and communication of the benefits and use of new technologies.
  1. The timing of integrating new tools into the organization often depends on the phase of the change project and organizational maturity. Some tools can be introduced early in the change process to facilitate data collection and analysis, while others can be deployed as the project progresses and new needs emerge.

How to handle resistance to change ? 

When introducing a new tool into a transitioning company, it is common to encounter some resistance from the teams. This resistance can stem from various factors, such as:

  • Fear of the unknown,
  • Fear of losing acquired skills,
  • Or the feeling of not being consulted during the tool selection process.

To overcome this resistance, the consultant must adopt an empathetic and inclusive approach. Awareness of the reasons for the change is essential. Employees need to be aware of the potential benefits and impacts on their daily work life.

At Bee’z Consulting, we involve everyone in the project to ensure that the transition does not generate frustration and does not affect team performance or company results.

In summary

Software plays a crucial role in facilitating organizational change, yet it often encounters resistance from teams. However, by fostering open communication, providing thorough training, and embracing feedback, consultants can navigate through resistance and steer organizations towards successful transitions. 

🐝 At Bee’z Consulting, we believe in inclusive change management strategies that prioritize employee engagement, ensuring a smooth transition process and sustainable business outcomes.

Silvina Layani

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